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Parents' Role in Marathon High

Your support is crucial to your student’s success in Marathon High. While you're not running the miles, encouraging and backing them up along the way is key to their achievement. Training for and completing a half-marathon is a significant accomplishment!

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Student-Led Decision: Ensure that joining Marathon High is your student’s choice. While encouragement is great, they should want to be here.

  2. Registration & Participation: Make sure your student submits their registration form by September 30 (distributed at September info meetings). Practice starts October 8, and a current physical is required. Students must attend 90% of practices (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays) to stay on the team and qualify for the half-marathon.

  3. Volunteer: Plan to volunteer with your student’s team throughout the season. This could include working water stations, donating supplies, or cheering on the runners. Coaches can provide details on what’s needed.

  4. Punctuality: Ensure your student arrives 10 minutes early for practice and is picked up on time. Check with coaches for end times, especially on Saturdays. Coaches are volunteers, so please be punctual.

  5. Appreciation: Show gratitude to your coaches—they’re dedicating their free time to support your student.

  6. Stay Informed: Review the training schedule (provided during the first week of practice), post it at home, and stay aware of weekly activities. You may need to help with transportation or carpooling.

  7. Encourage & Celebrate: Recognize your student’s achievements. Running long distances is a big deal—celebrate their progress and support them with healthy meals and adequate rest.

  8. Support & Fundraise: Participate in fundraisers, donate, and help connect us with potential corporate sponsors to keep the program running.

  9. Stay Connected: Join our Volunteer Page on Facebook, where coaches will post needs throughout the season.


Thank you for your support!


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